The modern-day man amidst trying to figure out life and make something of himself is utterly transformed when he is given the mantle of a father. Here the true metamorphosis begins from the shifting of his ideals to his daily sacrifices. Fatherhood comes with its blessings and its challenges. We sat down with Davon Kamar, a new dad, a Digital Marketing Strategist and Tech Project Manager on his journey into fatherhood.

Who is Davon
Davon is a food and culture lover, a social enthusiast, a tech nerd, and a person who tries his best to understand this thing we call “life” as each day goes by :)
What are your greatest worries and greatest aspirations now that you’ve become a father
I want to be able to give my daughter the things that she needs to do well in life. Not just material possessions but also life lessons that only her father can teach and give her.

How’s your wife doing and do you see her differently after she has given birth?
She’s doing well, it’s been amazing watching her and Aya. I think a bond between child and mother is truly magical and I’m witnessing it daily. It’s beautiful to see.
Do you feel like you’ve changed since you became a father, if so what is different?
Definitely, I see myself becoming more protective of my tribe. Also, a burning desire to want to make sure everything is set with me from a personal and financial perspective. I’ve always been a bit of a free spirit, and becoming a father has forced me to add some more structure to my life :)

How would you raise a young woman in this current clime?
I think the best thing I can do is to not overthink things. I just need to be there for her, hear her, understand her, and protect her.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?
I’m a big basketball fan. I was lucky enough for my parents to send me to the Philadelphia 76ers basketball camp. I was able to meet a few of the team’s players as well. It was also my first experience away from home. Was such a fun time!
What’s your worst childhood memory?
One time I had this balloon and it slipped out of my hand and flew into the air. I still think about it from time to time. Like man, I was crying so hard about that balloon floating off in the air haha.
What does success mean to you?
Success means being able to wake up every day with a smile on my face. Life is flowing and I accept it. No worries, no stress, and no pressure to change much but just appreciate and accept the lessons and gifts each day brings me.
What does it mean to be a man?
Taking care of the home. Being a provider. Being a protector. Staying grounded. Showing emotion.
